Behind the Pixels: Unveiling GPU Hardware and Software Security Flaws
-UC Santa Cruz -
GPU Memory Exploitation for Fun and Profit
-Usenix Security'24 -
Leaky Hardware: Side Channel Attacks on Modern Processors
-ByteDance -
Adversarial Prefetch: New Cross-Core Cache Side Channel Attacks
-Top Picks in Hardware and Embedded Security 2023
-Oakland'22 -
Cache Side Channel Attacks on Modern Processors
-Southeast University
-University of Pittsburgh -
Leaky Way: A Conflict-Based Cache Covert Channel Bypassing Set Associativity
-MICRO'22 -
Adversarial Attacks on DNN-based Adaptive Cruise Control Systems
-NIO -
Prefetch-Based Cache Side Channel Attacks
-CWIDCA'22 -
Q-GPU: A Recipe of Optimizations for Quantum Circuit Simulation Using GPUs
-HPCA'22 -
ModelShield: A Generic and Portable Framework Extension for Defending Bit-Flip based Adversarial Weight Attacks
-ICCD'21 -
Performance-Enhanced Integrity Verification for Large Memories
-SEED'21 -
IVcache: Defending Cache Side Channel Attacks via Invisible Accesses